Auditorium Acoustic Treatment

Achieving perfect sound production or producing the perfect rendition of a performance Fabric Covered Acoustic Panelcan be difficult if there is too much noise or reverberation in the Auditorium. This can be the result of too many hard surfaces which will have a detrimental effect on the sound quality.

One of the ways to treat this is problem is to install Fabric Covered acoustic panels. Sontext have recently treated a number of School auditoriums, Suzanne Cory, Berwick Fields, Latrobe University, St Josephs College (Bracken Ridge), Marian College (Sunshine) to mention a few. The products chosen were Serenity Fabric faced acoustic panels, some were 25mm thick and others were 50mm depending on the unique characteristics of each auditorium.

As in the above photograph Serenity Acoustic panels are available in a wide range of colours and can be custom made to create a unique look for the designer.

For further options and advise please contact Sonetxt at

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