Video Conferencing Noise Problems

Serenity Panels improve sound performanceA key pre-requisite of an effective Communications Room is speech clarity, free of reverberation or interference from unwanted background noise. Yet one of the biggest problems we face when we  set up a video conferencing room is obtrusive sound from unwanted sources. Reflected sound from hard surfaces within the room is often the cause  – from table, windows, hard plaster walls and glass windows. The result is that  the receiving party has difficulty understanding speech above a lot of other background sounds. Raising voice levels is a natural reaction to such situations, making the problem even worse. Unwanted sound, or reverberation, can be minimised with the strategic placement of Fabric-faced Acoustic Wall Panels to “tune” the space, to enhance the sound and conferencing system.

Serenity Acoustic Wall Panels are available in an almost unlimited number of colours and pattern options, wrapped over the face and all four edges. Serenity Wall Panels can also be manufactured in numerous sizes to suit most video and audio conferencing setups.

To discuss a solution to your noisy video conferencing room contact Sontext on

Conference Room Acoustics
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Conference Room Acoustics
Improve sound quality in a conference by installing Serenity Acoustic Panels

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